Personal Values and Why They Matter

(Photo by ilana kapp/pexels)

Personal values are the beliefs and principles that guide your decisions, behaviors, and actions. It acts as a moral compass when faced with ethical dilemmas, complicated situations, or choices.  

It influences all aspects of your life, including how you think, act, and interact with others. Core values help keep you focused on what's truly important to you, and making decisions that reflect those beliefs becomes easier.

Personal values give you direction and purpose in life and work. You'll be more likely to set goals that reflect those values and strive for success in areas that matter most to you.

Everyone has core values unique to them. Our interests and priorities will shift from one period of life to another. While we may feel strongly about specific beliefs now, our feelings and values can change over time as we grow and evolve.

I want to focus on doing good and bringing about positive change in my work. There are several values that are important to me as I shift into more meaningful and fulfilling projects.

My Core Personal Values


Kindness is being selfless and compassionate. It's acting in the best interest of others. It's not the same as being nice, though I used to think so. I worked with many nice people and want to continue that, but I want to work with more kind people.  

Being nice is being polite and treating people well. However, being nice is more self-serving and is about pleasing others or wanting to get something in return (like being nice to someone so they're nice to you).

Kindness is about caring for others with no expectation of anything in return.  

It's an essential quality that can create an environment of understanding and respect for ourselves and one another, amplifying our opportunity to create a more equitable world. 

While we're all different in many ways, kindness encourages us to see each other as human beings, providing the foundation of mutual respect.

Kindness can have a ripple effect, and it's good for you! It's a character strength that's good for the soul; luckily, it's contagious!  


Purpose as a value is about having a sense of meaning and provides direction and focus for goals, dreams, and ambitions. It's essential for me to make meaningful contributions that will bring positive change to myself, others, and the world.  

I want to be a good example for my kids as they embark on their journeys.


Having fun means enjoying family and friends, exploring new experiences, and taking risks to try new things. It also means focusing on myself and indulging in solo pleasures like working out, reading a book, getting a massage, and crocheting.  

Incorporating fun into my everyday life has been a great reminder to stay positive and make the most of every situation.

My values led me to create a couple of ventures that align with this. It also helped me realize how important it is to volunteer my time and give back to the community.

When we embrace our values, we can better understand why certain decisions are right for us and why some may not feel right. We should also consider how our actions reflect the person we wish to become. 

Living a life aligned with one's values will bring a sense of fulfillment and contentment because it allows us to follow what truly matters most to us as individuals.

Understanding your core principles influence your life and can create balance and overall well-being. Knowing your values allows for a greater understanding of yourself and helps create clarity.

What are your values?

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